Your bags are packed and you're heading to the airport with a ticket and passport in hand. Ready to catch the flight to Japan? Not quite yet. Preparing for Japan, I was truly surprised about some of the things I did not know. These weren't novelty things, these were important facts I needed to know before stepping on that plane...or even before I packed my bags! What to know before you go: 1. Cash is King: Between Kyoto and Tokyo, it was always easier to pay in cash. My personal experience has been that splitting a bill between two or more people isn't something they do in Japan. Cash is the easiest way of paying your share of the bill. 2. JR Pass: You have to buy your JR pass before you get to Japan. If you don't have it before you land, you're sh*t out of luck. The JR pass isn't sold in Japan, you have to acquire it outside of the country. 3. Japanese Wall Plugs: North Americans may not need an adapter, but the voltage is different. Y...
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